
Snap Fastener Cap

5325120102309 120102309

An item designed to permanently fasten a SOCKET, SNAP FASTENER to a material. It may be either hemispherical in shape with prongs on the underside or have a hemispherical shaped head with a tubular shank. See also SOCKET, SNAP FASTENER. View more Snap Fastener Cap

5325-12-010-2309 CAP,SNAP FASTENER 5325120102309 120102309

Managed by Germany
Data Last Changed
January 2024
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5325-12-010-2309 CAP,SNAP FASTENER 5325120102309 120102309 1/1
NSN 5325-12-010-2309 (Generic Image) 1/1

5325-12-010-2309 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5325-12-010-2309

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Germany (DE) 4. 5325-12-010-2309 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
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Fastening Devices from Germany (DE) Nonmetallic Grommet 5325-12-025-6067 Nonmetallic Grommet 5325-12-010-2309
//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5325 Fastening Devices from Germany (DE) Nonmetallic Grommet 5325-12-010-2309
Turnlock Fastener Stud 5325-12-343-1754 Nonmetallic Grommet 5325-12-025-6067 Nonmetallic Grommet 5325-12-010-2309

5325-12-010-2309 Demil Restrictions 5325-12-010-2309


5325-12-010-2309 is a Snap Fastener Cap

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