
Tubular Rivet

5320143681104 143681104 C30X8LNKL C30X8LAIT0NNICK 01030801

A headed fastening device having a smooth shank which is hollow or having a cavity at its end and designed to have the shank clinched after insertion. View more Tubular Rivet

5320-14-368-1104 RIVET,TUBULAR 5320143681104 143681104

Managed by France
NSN Created on 19 Jan 1981
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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5320-14-368-1104 RIVET,TUBULAR 5320143681104 143681104 1/1
NSN 5320-14-368-1104 (Generic Image) 1/1

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C30X8LNKL C30X8LAIT0NNICK 01030801 A headed fastening device having a smooth shank which is hollow or
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. 4010-12-129-2993Wire Rope4010121292993 121292993 DIN3066-8-FE-ZNK1570SZ 8DIN3066-FE-ZNK1570SZ 01030801
Tubular Rivet 5320143681104 143681104 your web browser . 5320-14-368-1104Tubular Rivet5320143681104
143681104 C30X8LNKL C30X8LAIT0NNICK 01030801 3040-12-320-8429Rigid Connecting Link3040123208429 123208429
3040-12-320-8429Rigid Connecting Link3040123208429 123208429 2654-331331.00 2654-331 331.00 679-01030801
de 3040-12-320-8429 Rigid Connecting Link 3040123208429123208429 2654-331331.002654-331 331.00679-01030801
C30X8LNKL C30X8LAIT0NNICK 01030801 3040-12-320-8429Rigid Connecting Link3040123208429 123208429 2654

5320-14-368-1104 Demil Restrictions 5320-14-368-1104


5320-14-368-1104 is a Tubular Rivet

5320-14-368-1104 End Users End Users 5320-14-368-1104

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Germany (ZG)

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