
Blind Rivet

5320121398895 121398895 LN9315-4X7,9 A4X7-9LN9315 LN9315-4,0X7,9

An item consisting of two or more of the following components: stem, rivet body, sleeve, expander, bolt, and collar. It is a headed fastening device with the shank designed to be expanded by means of a separate or integral stem or mandrel, or bolt and expander. It is designed to be installed or expanded from one side only. Excludes NUT, BLIND ASSEMBLY. View more Blind Rivet

5320-12-139-8895 RIVET,BLIND 5320121398895 121398895

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 30 May 1969
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5320-12-139-8895 RIVET,BLIND 5320121398895 121398895 1/1
NSN 5320-12-139-8895 (Generic Image) 1/1

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LN9315-4X7,9 A4X7-9LN9315 LN9315-4,0X7,9 An item consisting of two or more of the following components
Germany (DE) 4. 5320-12-139-8895 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
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Germany (ZG)

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