
Eccentric Pin

5315144838248 144838248 27117129-7

A headed, cylindrically-shaped metal item having a shank and/or shoulder offset from the geometric center of the head. If shouldered, a portion of the shank and/or shoulder may be concentric with the head. View more Eccentric Pin

5315-14-483-8248 PIN,ECCENTRIC 5315144838248 144838248

Managed by France
NSN Created on 3 Oct 1996
Data Last Changed
July 2023
NATO Update Count
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5315-14-483-8248 PIN,ECCENTRIC 5315144838248 144838248 1/1
NSN 5315-14-483-8248 (Generic Image) 1/1

5315-14-483-8248 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5315-14-483-8248

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27117129-7 A headed, cylindrically-shaped metal item having a shank and/or shoulder offset from the
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5315-14-483-8248 is a Eccentric Pin

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France (ZF)

5315-14-483-8248 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5315-14-483-8248

5315-14-483-8248 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5315-14-483-8248