
Headless Shoulder Pin

5315143324857 143324857 83611

A cylindrically-shaped headless item, having a shank at one or both ends. It is used for aligning, fastening, or transfer of torque and/or thrust by fitting into corresponding holes of another item. It may be threaded on one end. View more Headless Shoulder Pin

5315-14-332-4857 PIN,SHOULDER,HEADLESS 5315143324857 143324857

Managed by France
NSN Created on 2 Jul 1975
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January 2023
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5315-14-332-4857 PIN,SHOULDER,HEADLESS 5315143324857 143324857 1/1
NSN 5315-14-332-4857 (Generic Image) 1/1

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83611 A cylindrically-shaped headless item, having a shank at one or both ends.
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$1 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 4710-00-188-6600Metallic Bent Tube4710001886600 001886600 53-83611
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Headless Shoulder Pin 5315143324857 143324857 7869 Part NumberManufacturerStatus3511 130 83611
your web browser . 5995-14-346-7869Radio Frequency Cable Assembly5995143467869 143467869 3511 130 83611
3511-130-83611 A definite length of CABLE, RADIO FREQUENCY having one or both ends processed and/or
3511-130-83611 in your web browser . 5935-14-241-0947Pris Cadre De Socle5935142410947 142410947 836-
your web browser . 5820-14-416-9541Receiver-Transmitter Subassembly5820144169541 144169541 3511 122 83611
3511-122-83611 Two or more different types of items, having a common mounting or mounted on each other
-416-9541 Netherlands (ZN) Approved Sources 5820-14-416-9541 Part NumberManufacturerStatus3511 122 83611
web browser . 5975-14-372-9623Electrical-Electronic Equipment Panel5975143729623 143729623 3511-314-83611
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5975/fr 5975-14-372-9623 Electrical-Electronic Equipment Panel 3511-314-83611
14-241-0947 Pris Cadre De Socle 5935142410947 142410947 7869 Part NumberManufacturerStatus3511 130 83611

5315-14-332-4857 Demil Restrictions 5315-14-332-4857


5315-14-332-4857 is a Headless Shoulder Pin

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France (ZF)

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