
Spring Pin

5315331144018 331144018 2 4533 00 1590 W 3571 265 VS

A tubular item, so formed as to provide a spring action against the inside wall of a hole when driven into abutting pieces to position and hold them in place. View more Spring Pin

5315-33-114-4018 PIN,SPRING 5315331144018 331144018

Managed by Spain
NSN Created on 15 Jun 1990
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2 4533 00 1590 W 3571 265 VS A tubular item, so formed as to provide a spring action against the inside
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how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5315-12-167-0242Spring Pin5315121670242 121670242 W 3571 265 VS
Spring Pin 5315331144018 331144018 JavaScript in your web browser . 5315-33-114-4018Spring Pin5315331144018
331144018 2 4533 00 1590 W 3571 265 VS NumberManufacturerStatus2 4533 00 1590 0124B - Sapa Operaciones
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5315 Nails, Machine Keys, and Pins from Spain (ES) 28 Dec 2000 5315-33-114-4018
Jan 2005 5315-33-108-1056 Headed Straight Pin 5315002280RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 1 28 Dec 2000 5315-33-114-4018

5315-33-114-4018 Demil Restrictions 5315-33-114-4018


5315-33-114-4018 is a Spring Pin

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Turkey (ZW)

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