
Round Plain Nut

5310998910903 998910903 40004298

A nut, circular in shape, which may have wrenching facilities such as flats, holes, protrusions, slots or splines in or on the periphery or in the face opposite the bearing surface. For items having a thickness (or height) exceeding two times the outside diameter, use POST, ELECTRICAL-MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. See also NUT (1), PLAIN, KNURLED. (When height or thickness and/or outside diameter is designated as a tolerance dimension, the maximum dimension will be used to determine compliance.) View more Round Plain Nut

5310-99-891-0903 NUT,PLAIN,ROUND 5310998910903 998910903

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NSN Created on 19 Jul 2011
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January 2023
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5310-99-891-0903 NUT,PLAIN,ROUND 5310998910903 998910903 1/1
NSN 5310-99-891-0903 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5310-99-891-0903 is a Round Plain Nut

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