
Clinch Self-Locking Nut

5310997145231 997145231 AGS2011-A3 30-297-221-04 AGS2011A3

A nut having a sleeve portion on its under side, which can be crimped or clinched to hold the item in place when inserted in a hole. An integral feature is incorporated for locking. View more Clinch Self-Locking Nut

5310-99-714-5231 NUT,SELF-LOCKING,CLINCH 5310997145231 997145231

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5310-99-714-5231 NUT,SELF-LOCKING,CLINCH 5310997145231 997145231 1/1
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AGS2011-A3 30-297-221-04 AGS2011A3 A nut having a sleeve portion on its under side, which can be crimped
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JavaScript in your web browser . 5310-99-100-5782Clinch Self-Locking Nut5310991005782 991005782 AGS2011-A3
B02344 AGS2011A3 KS92434-8 A nut having a sleeve portion on its under side, which can be crimped
Standard RNCC 2 RNVC 2 DAC 2 B02344 K0967 - Mbda Uk Ltd (Active) Secondary Buy RNCC 5 RNVC 2 DAC 2 AGS2011A3
5310-99-101-2012 5310991012012 991012012 is a nut having a sleeve portion on its under side, which can be crimped or clinched to hold the item in place when inserted in a hole. an integral feature is incorporated for locking.
5310-99-101-2184 5310991012184 991012184 is a nut having a sleeve portion on its under side, which can be crimped or clinched to hold the item in place when inserted in a hole. an integral feature is incorporated for locking.
5310-99-101-2013 5310991012013 991012013 is a nut having a sleeve portion on its under side, which can be crimped or clinched to hold the item in place when inserted in a hole. an integral feature is incorporated for locking.

5310-99-714-5231 Demil Restrictions 5310-99-714-5231


5310-99-714-5231 is a Clinch Self-Locking Nut

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