
Rectangular Plain Nut

5310996177125 996177125 A1R119294

A nut, flat on top and bottom, having four flat sides of which two parallel sides are shorter than the other two. For items having a thickness (or height) exceeding two times the width, use POST, ELECTRICAL-MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. (When height or thickness and/or width is designated as a tolerance dimension, the maximum dimension will be used to determine compliance.) View more Rectangular Plain Nut

5310-99-617-7125 NUT,PLAIN,RECTANGULAR 5310996177125 996177125

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5310-99-617-7125 NUT,PLAIN,RECTANGULAR 5310996177125 996177125 1/1
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A1R119294 A nut, flat on top and bottom, having four flat sides of which two parallel sides are shorter
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