
Convex Washer

5310171240773 171240773 5320000062-00 2 0176-641

A washer which is round with a centrally located hole. One bearing surface is smooth, flat, and unbroken, the other bearing surface is smooth, unbroken, and is raised to form a curved or spherical contour. See also WASHER (1), CONCAVE. Excludes BEARING, WASHER THRUST. View more Convex Washer

5310-17-124-0773 WASHER,CONVEX 5310171240773 171240773

Managed by Netherlands
NSN Created on 24 Nov 2011
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5310-17-124-0773 WASHER,CONVEX 5310171240773 171240773 1/1
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5320000062-00 2 0176-641 A washer which is round with a centrally located hole.
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DAC: 4 29 Mar 1999 5310-17-117-3275 Washer 7400976944RNCC: 5 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 14 Jan 2005 5310-17-124-0773
SHIELDING https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5310 Nuts and Washers from Netherlands (NL) Jan 2005 5310-17-124-0773

5310-17-124-0773 Demil Restrictions 5310-17-124-0773


5310-17-124-0773 is a Convex Washer

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Netherlands (ZN)

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