
Round Extended Washer Self-Locking Nut

5310331065281 331065281 050103B C0501031

A nut, circular in shape, having wrenching facilities such as flats, holes, protrusions, slots or splines in or on the periphery. It has an integral washer which extends beyond the wrenching element periphery and an integral feature is incorporated for locking on the threads of a mating member. View more Round Extended Washer Self-Locking Nut

5310-33-106-5281 NUT,SELF-LOCKING,EXTENDED WASHER,ROUND 5310331065281 331065281

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5310-33-106-5281 NUT,SELF-LOCKING,EXTENDED WASHER,ROUND 5310331065281 331065281 1/1
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050103B C0501031 A nut, circular in shape, having wrenching facilities such as flats, holes, protrusions
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5310-33-106-5281 is a Round Extended Washer Self-Locking Nut

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