
Sheet Spring Nut

5310123556893 123556893 387177

A nut formed from sheet spring material, usually steel, into varying flat, concave, bent or curved designs, having apertures with suitable boss or bosses usually on the upper side capable of securely gripping a mating threaded member. Excludes NUT (1), STAMPED. View more Sheet Spring Nut

5310-12-355-6893 NUT,SHEET SPRING 5310123556893 123556893

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 6 Dec 2001
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5310-12-355-6893 NUT,SHEET SPRING 5310123556893 123556893 1/1
NSN 5310-12-355-6893 (Generic Image) 1/1

5310-12-355-6893 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5310-12-355-6893

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Germany (DE) 4. 5310-12-355-6893 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
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Documents 5310-66-038-0885 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5310/de 5310-12-355-6893
Sheet Spring Nut 5310123556893 123556893 5310-12-355-6893 Spring Nut 5340226018369 226018369 208
-3456 5310-01-521-0660 5310-12-365-1546 5310-66-038-0885 5310-12-355-6893 Spring Nut 5340217190055 217190055
Documents 5310-12-365-1546 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5310/de 5310-12-355-6893
Sheet Spring Nut 5310123556893 123556893 5310-66-038-0885 5310-12-355-6893 Spring Nut 5340226018369
226018369 208-3456 5310-01-521-0660 5310-12-365-1546 5310-66-038-0885 5310-12-355-6893 Spring Nut 5340217190055
Spring Nut 5340221237373 221237373 208-3456 5310-01-521-0660 5310-12-365-1546 5310-66-038-0885 5310-12-355-6893
Spring Nut 5340226018369 226018369 208-3456 5310-01-521-0660 5310-12-365-1546 5310-66-038-0885 5310-12-355-6893
Spring Nut 5340217190055 217190055 208-3456 5310-01-521-0660 5310-12-365-1546 5310-66-038-0885 5310-12-355-6893
5340221237373 221237373 208-4936 5310-00-208-3456 5310-01-521-0660 5310-12-365-1546 5310-66-038-0885 5310-12-355-6893
5340226018369 226018369 208-4936 5310-00-208-3456 5310-01-521-0660 5310-12-365-1546 5310-66-038-0885 5310-12-355-6893
5340217190055 217190055 208-4936 5310-00-208-3456 5310-01-521-0660 5310-12-365-1546 5310-66-038-0885 5310-12-355-6893

5310-12-355-6893 Demil Restrictions 5310-12-355-6893


5310-12-355-6893 is a Sheet Spring Nut

5310-12-355-6893 End Users End Users 5310-12-355-6893

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5310-12-355-6893 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5310-12-355-6893

5310-12-355-6893 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5310-12-355-6893