
Shouldered Washer

5310123442143 123442143 1221 2344

A washer, round in shape, and having a centrally located hole. One bearing surface is flat and unbroken, the other surface is in the form of a raised shoulder (boss) having a flat bearing surface. The thickness of the shoulder (boss) must not exceed 25 percent of the shoulder (boss) diameter. For items having a shoulder (boss) of greater thickness, use BEARING, SLEEVE; BUSHING SLEEVE; or SPACER, SLEEVE. Excludes INSULATOR, WASHER and thrust type washers. View more Shouldered Washer

5310-12-344-2143 WASHER,SHOULDERED 5310123442143 123442143

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 30 Sep 1997
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January 2023
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5310-12-344-2143 WASHER,SHOULDERED 5310123442143 123442143 1/1
NSN 5310-12-344-2143 (Generic Image) 1/1

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1221 2344 A washer, round in shape, and having a centrally located hole.
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