
Square Plain Nut

5310121321362 121321362 DIN557-M6-B2A M6DIN557-4DGALCD5MT M6DIN557GALCDMT M6DIN557-B2A M6DIN557BA

A nut, flat on top and bottom, having 4 flat sides. For items having a thickness (or height) exceeding two times the width across the flats, use POST, ELECTRICAL-MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. (When height or thickness and/or width across the flats is designated as a tolerance dimension, the maximum dimension will be used to determine compliance.) View more Square Plain Nut

5310-12-132-1362 NUT,PLAIN,SQUARE 5310121321362 121321362

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 30 May 1969
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January 2023
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5310-12-132-1362 NUT,PLAIN,SQUARE 5310121321362 121321362 1/1
NSN 5310-12-132-1362 (Generic Image) 1/1

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DIN557-M6-B2A M6DIN557-4DGALCD5MT M6DIN557GALCDMT M6DIN557-B2A M6DIN557BA A nut, flat on top and bottom
Germany (DE) 4. 5310-12-132-1362 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5310-12-132-1362 RQST Updated Every Day 5310-12-132-1362 RQST NE Related Documents
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www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5310/uk 5310-99-630-6300 Square Plain Nut 5310996306300 996306300 263-4705 5310-12-132-1362
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