
Key Washer

5310121317073 121317073

A washer of nonresilient material usually having two parallel bearing surfaces. The outside and/or inside edges have one or more protuberances. The ends and/or edges may be prebent at any angle or the protuberances may be prebent at any angle to the bearing surfaces. The keys or lugs may be fitted into keyways in adjacent material or they may be bent over after application to hold or lock one or more items in place. Excludes thrust type washer. View more Key Washer

5310-12-131-7073 WASHER,KEY 5310121317073 121317073

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January 2024
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5310-12-131-7073 WASHER,KEY 5310121317073 121317073 1/1
NSN 5310-12-131-7073 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5310-12-131-7073 is a Key Washer

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