
Flat Washer

5310121314501 121314501 12X19X1,8MMN17115 12X19X1-8MMN17115 717115012102

A washer having a centrally located hole with a solid or laminated cross-section and two flat parallel bearing surfaces. The hole must be 75 percent or less than the largest dimension and the bearing surface finish is greater than 32 microinch (0.8 micrometer). The thickness cannot exceed 25 percent of the largest outside dimension. When the largest outside dimension is less than 1/4 inch or 6mm, the thickness must be 0.006 inches (0.15mm) or greater and for items 1/4 inch (6mm) or larger, the thickness must be 0.016 inches (0.4mm) or greater. The maximum tolerance is applied to dimensions and used as a determining factor. Items with separable lamination use SHIM. For items fabricated from ceramic or electrically rated materials by specification or industry standards use INSULATOR (1), WASHER. Excludes DISK, VALVE, graphite impregnated and lubricated items. View more Flat Washer

5310-12-131-4501 WASHER,FLAT 5310121314501 121314501

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 30 May 1969
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January 2023
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5310-12-131-4501 WASHER,FLAT 5310121314501 121314501 1/1
NSN 5310-12-131-4501 (Generic Image) 1/1

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12X19X1,8MMN17115 12X19X1-8MMN17115 717115012102 A washer having a centrally located hole with a solid
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