
Double Hexagon Extended Washer Self-Locking Nut

5310200006797 200006797 ST3246-09

A nut having 12 drive points, 24 sides, and an integral washer which extends beyond the points or periphery. An integral feature is incorporated for locking on the threads of a mating member. View more Double Hexagon Extended Washer Self-Locking Nut

5310-20-000-6797 NUT,SELF-LOCKING,EXTENDED WASHER,DOUBLE HEXAGON 5310200006797 200006797

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NSN Created on 25 Mar 2003
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January 2023
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5310-20-000-6797 NUT,SELF-LOCKING,EXTENDED WASHER,DOUBLE HEXAGON 5310200006797 200006797 1/1
NSN 5310-20-000-6797 (Generic Image) 1/1

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ST3246-09 A nut having 12 drive points, 24 sides, and an integral washer which extends beyond the points
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915-3944 5310-12-186-0749 5310-99-607-9402 5310-00-163-9425 5310-12-171-5030 5310-99-603-9997 5310-20-000-6797
915-3944 5310-12-186-0749 5310-99-607-9402 5310-00-163-9425 5310-12-171-5030 5310-99-603-9997 5310-20-000-6797
915-3944 5310-12-186-0749 5310-99-607-9402 5310-00-163-9425 5310-12-171-5030 5310-99-603-9997 5310-20-000-6797
915-3944 5310-12-186-0749 5310-99-607-9402 5310-00-163-9425 5310-12-171-5030 5310-99-603-9997 5310-20-000-6797

5310-20-000-6797 Demil Restrictions 5310-20-000-6797


5310-20-000-6797 is a Double Hexagon Extended Washer Self-Locking Nut

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