
Hexagon Plain Nut

5310661444680 661444680 A203805 ITEM 2 135 C04 702/3/AU

A nut, flat on top and bottom having 6 flat sides. For items which have internal tapered or straight (parallel) pipe threads, specific electrical conduit size designation, and which when installed, provide a method of tightening to lock the connection, see LOCKNUT, ELECTRICAL CONDUIT. See also LOCKNUT, TUBE FITTING. For items having a thickness (or height) exceeding two times the width across the flats, use POST, ELECTRICAL-MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. (When height or thickness and/or width across the flats is designated as a tolerance dimension, the maximum dimension will be used to determine compliance.) View more Hexagon Plain Nut

5310-66-144-4680 NUT,PLAIN,HEXAGON 5310661444680 661444680

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5310-66-144-4680 NUT,PLAIN,HEXAGON 5310661444680 661444680 1/1
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A203805 ITEM 2 135 C04 702/3/AU A nut, flat on top and bottom having 6 flat sides.
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Hexagon Plain Nut 5310661444680 661444680 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5310-66-144-4680Hexagon
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5310-66-144-4680 Demil Restrictions 5310-66-144-4680


5310-66-144-4680 is a Hexagon Plain Nut

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