
Assembled Sleeve Bolt

5306375134508 375134508 KSB1042-M5X0.8X30-CL2-S

A headed, externally tapered or straight fastener with a flanged outer sleeve ground externally straight. The head is designed to accommodate an external hand or power operated wrench or driver. The fastener must be tightened or released by torquing a nut. View more Assembled Sleeve Bolt

5306-37-513-4508 BOLT,ASSEMBLED SLEEVE 5306375134508 375134508

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NSN Created on 29 Jan 2007
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5306-37-513-4508 BOLT,ASSEMBLED SLEEVE 5306375134508 375134508 1/1
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KSB1042-M5X0.8X30-CL2-S A headed, externally tapered or straight fastener with a flanged outer sleeve
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5306-37-513-4508 is a Assembled Sleeve Bolt

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