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Panel Screw Assembly

5305013081383 013081383 ZBC6100S-36 401487 ZBC6100-PF

A headed, threaded fastening device over which may be assembled; (1) a stand-off; (2) a flanged bushing with washer(s) and/or a shouldered bushing without a flange, or it may have an internally threaded sleeve that is an integral part of the screw; a washer and an externally thread self-locking bushing that is driven by an inserted driver. Attached to panel by threaded bushing or by flaring end of stand-off, or bushing. Used in conjunction with a speed nut, nut plate, or driven into a threaded hole in the item that the panel is fastened to. May be spring loaded. View more Panel Screw Assembly

5305-01-308-1383 SCREW ASSEMBLY,PANEL 5305013081383 013081383

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NSN Created on 22 Sep 1989
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5305-01-308-1383 SCREW ASSEMBLY,PANEL 5305013081383 013081383 1/1
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ZBC6100S-36 401487 ZBC6100-PF A headed, threaded fastening device over which may be assembled; (1) a
United States (US) 4. 5305-01-308-1383 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
SCREW ASSEMBLY,PANEL 183 EA NS Request Quotation Updated Every Day 5305-01-308-1383 RQST NE Updated
for $1 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 2915-00-607-5933Fuel Limit Lever2915006075933 006075933 401487
Request a Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Subscribe to View Vendor Details... 401487
https// /fsg-29/fsc-2915/us 2915-00-607-5933 Fuel Limit Lever 2915006075933006075933 401487
8892Cotter Pin5315142468892 142468892 L23310-10-15CA 9990101521 AC70-06N 23310CA010015 666-810-015-0 401487
23310CA010015 PIN,COTTER 183 EA NS Request Quotation 9990101521 PIN,COTTER 183 EA NS Request Quotation 401487
for $1 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 2915-00-607-5933Fuel Limit Lever2915006075933 006075933 401487

5305-01-308-1383 Demil Restrictions 5305-01-308-1383


5305-01-308-1383 is a Panel Screw Assembly Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.

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