
Self-Drilling Screw

5305226106862 226106862 759-08-013

A hardened, externally-threaded fastener with a self-drilling point. It drills, taps and fastens and may have a machine screw thread or a nonmachine screw thread. The threads usually extend from behind the pilot to the bearing surface of the head. View more Self-Drilling Screw

5305-22-610-6862 SCREW,SELF-DRILLING 5305226106862 226106862

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759-08-013 A hardened, externally-threaded fastener with a self-drilling point.
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Self-Drilling Screw 5305226106862 226106862 Self-Drilling Screw 5305993013771 993013771 610-6870
Documents 5305-22-622-8757 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5305/dk 5305-22-610-6862
Self-Drilling Screw 5305226106862 226106862 5305993013771 993013771 610-6870 5305-12-361-8374 5305
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