Twist Drill
5133121218086 121218086 205 1/8 572J105-1-8INB0HRER 104 1/8
An end cutting tool having two or more cutting edges, and having helical flutes or grooves adjacent thereto for the admission of coolant and the ejection of cuttings or chips. It is used for drilling holes in various materials. Excludes DRILL, MASONRY (as modified); and DRILL,TWIST, BONE. See also DRILL, PIVOT, JEWELER'S and DRILL, HARDENED STEEL, CARBIDE TIPPED. View more Twist Drill
Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 30 May 1969
Data Last Changed
January 2023
January 2023
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Marketplace 5133-12-121-8086
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205 1/8 572J105-1-8INB0HRER 104 1/8 An end cutting tool having two or more cutting edges, and having
5133-12-121-8086 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5133/de 5133-12-121-8086
Twist Drill 5133121218086 121218086,205 1/8 5133-12-121-8086 17-125-0517 Drill5133991202707 991202707
5133-12-121-8086 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5133/de 5133-12-121-8086
Twist Drill 5133121218086 121218086,205 1/8 5133-12-121-8086 17-125-0517 Drill5133991202707 991202707
Day 5133-12-370-0633 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5133/de 5133-12-121-8086
Twist Drill 5133121218086 121218086,205 1/8 -51/fsc-5133/uk 5133-99-120-2707 Twist Drill 5133991202707
0633 Twist Drill 5133123700633 123700633 BS328PT1 004-1714 5133-22-610-6009 5133-12-370-0633 5133-12-121-8086
Twist Drill 5133121218086 121218086,205 1/8 -51/fsc-5133/uk 5133-99-120-2707 Twist Drill 5133991202707
0633 Twist Drill 5133123700633 123700633 BS328PT1 004-1714 5133-22-610-6009 5133-12-370-0633 5133-12-121-8086
0633 Twist Drill 5133123700633 123700633 BS328PT1 004-1714 5133-22-610-6009 5133-12-370-0633 5133-12-121-8086
Twist Drill 5133121218086 121218086,205 1/8 BS328PT1 004-1714 5133-22-610-6009 5133-12-370-0633
5133-12-121-8086 17-125-0517 Drill5133991202730 991202730 BS328PT1 004-1714 5133-22-610-6009 5133-12
Twist Drill 5133121218086 121218086,205 1/8 BS328PT1 004-1714 5133-22-610-6009 5133-12-370-0633
5133-12-121-8086 17-125-0517 Drill5133991202730 991202730 BS328PT1 004-1714 5133-22-610-6009 5133-12
Twist Drill 5133121218086 121218086,205 1/8 5133-12-370-0633 5133-12-121-8086 https//www.nsnlookup.com
991242206,BS328PT1 Twist Drill 5133991202723 991202723 004-1714 5133-22-610-6009 12-370-0633 5133-12-121-8086
51/fsc-5133/uk 5133-99-120-2707 Twist Drill 5133991202707 991202707,BS328PT1 5133-12-370-0633 5133-12-121-8086
991242206,BS328PT1 Twist Drill 5133991202723 991202723 004-1714 5133-22-610-6009 12-370-0633 5133-12-121-8086
51/fsc-5133/uk 5133-99-120-2707 Twist Drill 5133991202707 991202707,BS328PT1 5133-12-370-0633 5133-12-121-8086
-7006 Twist Drill 5133221137006 221137006 5133-12-388-5924 5133-19-004-1714 6009 12-370-0633 5133-12-121-8086
fsg-51/fsc-5133/dk 5133-22-610-6009 Twist Drill https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5133/de 5133-12-121-8086
Twist Drill 5133121218086 121218086,205 1/8 5133-12-121-8086 17-125-0517 Drill5133991202730 https
fsg-51/fsc-5133/dk 5133-22-610-6009 Twist Drill https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5133/de 5133-12-121-8086
Twist Drill 5133121218086 121218086,205 1/8 5133-12-121-8086 17-125-0517 Drill5133991202730 https
Restrictions 5133-12-121-8086
End Users 5133-12-121-8086
- Germany (ZG)
Approved Sources 5133-12-121-8086
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- 205 1/8
- Manufacturer
- D0780 - Guhring Kg (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
- 572J105-1-8INB0HRER
- D1485 - Matra-Werke Gmbh (Obsolete)
- Secondary Buy
- Secondary Buy
- 104 1/8
- D2094 - Deutsche Spiralbohrer- (Obsolete)
- Canceled/Obsolete
- Canceled/Obsolete
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5133-12-121-8086
5133-12-391-7590 5133-25-103-8830 5133-99-436-4893 5133-12-368-7561 5133-12-368-6120 5133-12-388-5924 5133-19-004-1714 5133-22-610-6009 5133-12-370-0633 5133-12-121-8086 5133-17-125-0517 5133-12-368-6232 5133-99-124-2206 5133-12-310-9585 5133-12-369-0246 5133-25-100-2796 5133-21-870-2067 5133-99-428-7325