
Portable Electric Plane

5130998920025 998920025 1923H/1 GHO 31-82 1100/1 1125 DEF STAN 51-19 (PART 2) ISSUE 1

An electrically powered, hand-held plane having a rotary cutter and an adjustable fence that can be set for straight or bevel cuts. It is used for smoothing and/or shaping wood. View more Portable Electric Plane

5130-99-892-0025 PLANE,ELECTRIC,PORTABLE 5130998920025 998920025

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5130-99-892-0025 PLANE,ELECTRIC,PORTABLE 5130998920025 998920025 1/1
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1923H/1 GHO 31-82 1100/1 1125 DEF STAN 51-19 (PART 2) ISSUE 1 An electrically powered, hand-held plane
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Electric Plane5130998920025 998920025 1923H RNCC 3 RNVC 2 DAC 4 GHO 31-82 K3060 - Bosch Robert Ltd (
5130-15-217-1231 2+ Documents ( More... ) https https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5130/uk 5130-99-892-0025
Portable Electric Plane 5130998920025 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5130-99-892-0025Portable
Electric Plane5130998920025 998920025 1923H https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5130/uk 5130-99-892

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