
Rotary Wheel Wire Brush

5130218702969 218702969

A disk shaped unit having a fill section of wire material extending from the perimeter of the disk perpendicular to the axis of the hub. It is used with a rotary power-operated device for roughing, buffing and/or polishing various surfaces. See also BRUSH, WIRE, ROTARY CUP; BRUSH, WIRE, ROTARY END; and BRUSH, FIBER, ROTARY WHEEL. View more Rotary Wheel Wire Brush

5130-21-870-2969 BRUSH,WIRE,ROTARY WHEEL 5130218702969 218702969

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5130-21-870-2969 BRUSH,WIRE,ROTARY WHEEL 5130218702969 218702969 1/1
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Rotary Wheel Wire Brush 5130218702969 513-0057 5130-22-121-2578 5130-14-523-9978 5130-12-383-4606
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Rotary Wheel Wire Brush 5130218702969 5130-22-121-2578 5130-14-523-9978 5130-12-383-4606 https/
,BU-620 5130-22-121-2578 5130-14-523-9978 5130-12-383-4606 21-870-2969 Rotary Wheel Wire Brush 5130218702969

5130-21-870-2969 Demil Restrictions 5130-21-870-2969


5130-21-870-2969 is a Rotary Wheel Wire Brush

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