
Portable Electric Grinder

5130211132310 211132310 45GP4 4149 4052C/W37109 4049 54-7239TYPE1 D1J9

A hand-held electrically driven grinder having a straight round spindle drive which operates at a nominal free speed of 3200 rpm to 6200 rpm or a high speed of over 10,000 rpm. It is furnished with grinding wheel, electric cable and attachment plug, and may have provisions for aerial suspension. See also DRIVER, VALVE SEAT GRINDING, ELECTRIC and ROTARY TOOL KIT, ELECTRIC. View more Portable Electric Grinder

5130-21-113-2310 GRINDER,ELECTRIC,PORTABLE 5130211132310 211132310

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45GP4 4149 4052C/W37109 4049 54-7239TYPE1 D1J9 A hand-held electrically driven grinder having a straight
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United States (US) 4. 5930-01-109-4049 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
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JavaScript in your web browser . 5130-21-688-0159Portable Electric Disk Sander5130216880159 216880159 45GP4
NumberManufacturerStatus3-011 18797 - Dumore Corporation (Active) Primary Buy RNCC 3 RNVC 2 DAC 45GP4
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