
Turnlock Fastener Clinching Punch

5120994062549 994062549 A5TOOL2 F5TOOL2 28FP446

A hand tool used to prepare sheet metal for the installation of an EYELET, TURNLOCK FASTENER. In use it is struck with a mallet. May be used in conjunction with a BLOCK, CLINCHING PUNCH, TURNLOCK FASTENER. View more Turnlock Fastener Clinching Punch

5120-99-406-2549 PUNCH,CLINCHING,TURNLOCK FASTENER 5120994062549 994062549

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A5TOOL2 F5TOOL2 28FP446 A hand tool used to prepare sheet metal for the installation of an EYELET, TURNLOCK
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JavaScript in your web browser . 5120-99-406-2518Turnlock Fastener Clinching Punch5120994062518 994062518 A5TOOL2
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Punch 994062537 Punch 991228819 406-2519 5120-99-406-2513 5120-99-406-2525 5120-99-122-8819 5120-99-406-2549
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Clinching Punch 991228819 406-2519 406-2519 5120-99-406-2513 5120-99-406-2525 5120-99-122-8819 5120-99-406-2549
Fastener Clinching Punch 994062543 Punch 991228819 406-2513 5120-99-406-2525 5120-99-122-8819 5120-99-406-2549
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