
Socket Head Screw Key

5120270001112 270001112 4900490080 4900 49 0080 01040101111 42 8 GX030100204 4900 40 0080

A hand tool designed to impart a rotary movement of force for installing or removing socket screw products. Excludes WRENCH, DRAIN PLUG; and WRENCH, BUNG. View more Socket Head Screw Key

5120-27-000-1112 KEY,SOCKET HEAD SCREW 5120270001112 270001112

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NSN Created on 11 Jun 1991
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tool designed to impart a rotary RQST NE Updated Every Day 5120-27-000-1112 RQST Updated Every Day 5120
-TG.42(8^) 033/TG.42(8^) A foot covering made of leather, rubber or other material reaching to mid-leg
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https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/tr 5120-27-000-1112 Socket Head Screw Key 5120270001112 .
5120-27-000-1112Socket Head Screw Key5120270001112 270001112 4900490080 4900 49 0080 01040101111 42 8

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