
Mechanical Finger

5120251054623 251054623

Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 5120-12-121-5406

A hand-operated, spring retracting jaw device used to pick up and/or hold small articles in confined spaces. It may be rigid or flexible. Excludes RETRIEVING TOOL, MAGNETIC. View more Mechanical Finger

5120-25-105-4623 FINGER,MECHANICAL 5120251054623 251054623

Managed by Norway
Data Last Changed
January 2024
NATO Update Count
NATO Data Quality
5120-25-105-4623 FINGER,MECHANICAL 5120251054623 251054623 1/1
NSN 5120-25-105-4623 (Generic Image) 1/1

5120-25-105-4623 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5120-25-105-4623

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5120-25-105-4623 Related Documents Related Documents 5120-25-105-4623 5+ Documents (More...)

Request a Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Related Documents 5120-25-105-4623
5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/no 5120-25-105-4623 Mechanical Finger
Restrictions 5120-25-105-4623 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC
(NO) -105-7412 Drive Pin Punch 5120-25-142-6124 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/no 5120-25-105-4623
Mechanical Finger 5120251054623 251054623 participating marketplace vendors Request Related Documents
5120-25-105-4623 -105-7412 Drive Pin Punch 5120-25-142-6124 5120251049352 251049352 Nonedged, Nonpowered
no 5120-25-132-6092 Box Wrench 5120251326092 251326092 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/no 5120-25-105-4623
Mechanical Finger 5120251054623 251054623 5120251049352 251049352 Nonedged, Nonpowered from Norway
Documents 5120-25-104-9352 2+ Documents ( More... https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/no 5120-25-105-4623
Documents 5120-12-121-5406 1+ Documents ( More https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/no 5120-25-105-4623
Mechanical Finger 5120251054623 251054623 browser . 5120-25-105-4623Mechanical Finger5120251054623
251054623 Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 5120-12-121-5406 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/no 5120-25
142-6124 Cross Tip Screwdriver 5120-25-132-6092 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/no 5120-25-105-4623
Mechanical Finger 5120251054623 251054623 Documents 5120-25-105-4623 -105-7412 Drive Pin Punch
no 5120-25-132-6092 Box Wrench 5120251326092251326092 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/no 5120-25-105-4623

5120-25-105-4623 Demil Restrictions 5120-25-105-4623


5120-25-105-4623 is a Mechanical Finger

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