
Abrasive Wheel Dresser Cutters

5120151325216 151325216 1850B

A group of steel disks having hardened cutting teeth around the perimeter, with separators (washers). Used as a replacement set in a revolving cutter type DRESSER, ABRASIVE WHEEL, HAND. View more Abrasive Wheel Dresser Cutters

5120-15-132-5216 CUTTERS,ABRASIVE WHEEL DRESSER 5120151325216 151325216

Managed by Italy
NSN Created on 9 Oct 1996
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5120-15-132-5216 CUTTERS,ABRASIVE WHEEL DRESSER 5120151325216 151325216 1/1
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Abrasive Wheel Dresser Cutters 5120151325216 5120-15-194-4277 5120-13-102-8874 5120-15-132-5216
End Users 5120-15-194-4277 Italy (ZR) Approved https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/it 5120-15-132-5216
Abrasive Wheel Dresser Cutters 5120151325216 5120-13-102-8874 5120-15-132-5216 333-3025 5120-99
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Abrasive Wheel Dresser Cutters 5120151325216 5120-15-194-4277 5120-13-102-8874 5120-15-132-5216
333-3025 5120-99-399-7812 5120-99-910-4552 5120-14-274-8352 5216 Abrasive Wheel Dresser Cutters 5120151325216
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Italy (ZR)

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