
Torque Screwdriver

5120145662564 145662564 99389834

A manual tool for tightening vairous fasteners to a precise torque value. Consists of a handle and drive to accommodate female square drive sockets, screwdriver bits, and other types of wrenching adapters. Torque value may be manually set and adjusted by user of may be provided as preset for production line use. A signaling device is generally provided to indicate when set torque value is reached. Handle is spun in-line with axis of fastener rotation to apply torque. For items with handles that are swung at right angle to axis of fastener rotation to apply torque, see WRENCH, TORQUE. View more Torque Screwdriver

5120-14-566-2564 SCREWDRIVER,TORQUE 5120145662564 145662564

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99389834 A manual tool for tightening vairous fasteners to a precise torque value.
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