
Open End Box Wrench

5120145084745 145084745 42.9/16X5/8 0101775 3148511017753

A nonadjustable wrench having an open end box wrenching feature on one or both ends for installing or removing packing nuts, flare nuts, conduit fittings, and the like. It may have a ratchet mechanism. Excludes WRENCH, BOX and WRENCH, OPEN END. View more Open End Box Wrench

5120-14-508-4745 WRENCH,OPEN END BOX 5120145084745 145084745

Managed by France
NSN Created on 14 Sep 1998
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5120-14-508-4745 WRENCH,OPEN END BOX 5120145084745 145084745 1/1
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42.9/16X5/8 0101775 3148511017753 A nonadjustable wrench having an open end box wrenching feature on
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5120-14-508-4745 is a Open End Box Wrench

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