
Hand Tube Bender

5120144314226 144314226 2213 H18

A hand-operated tool for use in precision and nonprecision cold bending of round metal tubing used in hydraulic, fuel, oil and refrigeration lines and the like. See also BENDER, ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, HAND. Excludes benders for pipe, conduit, heavy steel tube and BENDING MACHINE, PIPE AND CONDUIT. View more Hand Tube Bender

5120-14-431-4226 BENDER,TUBE,HAND 5120144314226 144314226

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2213 H18 A hand-operated tool for use in precision and nonprecision cold bending of round metal tubing
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-H18/H18 ES4290-1 A resistor in which a sliding or rolling contact moves https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg
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-H18 /H18L ES4290-01 82J2A-G32-H18/H18 ES4290-1 A resistor in which a sliding or rolling contact moves
/H18L ES4290-01 82J2A-G32-H18/H18 ES4290-1 A resistor in which a sliding or rolling contact moves over
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enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5120-14-431-4226Hand Tube Bender5120144314226 144314226 2213
-H18 /H18L ES4290-01 82J2A-G32-H18/H18 ES4290-1 A resistor in which a sliding or rolling contact moves
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France (ZF)

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