Spanner Wrench
5120142227061 142227061 22378
A tool on which are located one or more pins, lugs, holes, keyways, or hooks, designed to engage matching holes, slots, or projections on a coupling, nut, or the like; for exerting a torsional force, concentrated at a point or points of a mating part, tending to turn the mating part about an axis. The drive end may have a hole for a separate straight bar used as a handle. Excludes WRENCH, BUNG. View more Spanner Wrench
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NSN Created on 1 Jan 1966
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Spanner Wrench 5120142227061 142227061,22378 Spanner Wrench 51202185609502185609505120-21-856-0950
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End Users 5120-14-222-7061
- Oman (VE)
- France (ZF)
Approved Sources 5120-14-222-7061
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- 22378
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- F0308 - Zodiac Milpro International (Active)
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