
Geared Socket Wheel Stud Nut Wrench

5120332068707 332068707 MTOO08-CE500080-00

A manually operated item designed to remove wheel stud nuts. In operation the inner nut is turned by a socket attached to a shaft having a geared head, while the outer nut is held stationary by a separate hexagonal holding wrench. It is designed to be activated by a standard socket wrench (lug wrench) when fitted to a single geared driving shaft or it may be activated by removable sliding bar handles for each of the gear driving shafts. Excludes WRENCH, SOCKET. See also WRENCH, WHEEL STUD NUT, SHOCK TYPE. View more Geared Socket Wheel Stud Nut Wrench

5120-33-206-8707 WRENCH,WHEEL STUD NUT,GEARED SOCKET 5120332068707 332068707

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5120-33-206-8707 WRENCH,WHEEL STUD NUT,GEARED SOCKET 5120332068707 332068707 1/1
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MTOO08-CE500080-00 A manually operated item designed to remove wheel stud nuts.
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5120-33-206-8707 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/es 5120-33-206-8707

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5120-33-206-8707 is a Geared Socket Wheel Stud Nut Wrench

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