
Multiposition Vise

5120123694604 123694604 9-225

A clamping device consisting of a workholding head and a base provided with swiveling, tilting, and locking arrangement. Designed to be bolt mounted to a bench, table, or the like and constructed so that the workholding head can be swiveled 360 degrees (6.3 radians) in a horizontal plane and tilted from a normal level position downward at least 90 degrees (1.6 radians), and locked in any desired position within the swiveling and tilting ranges. Intended for use in manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical and electronic parts and assemblies or any light bench work. See also VISE, PATTERNMAKER'S. View more Multiposition Vise

5120-12-369-4604 VISE,MULTIPOSITION 5120123694604 123694604

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9-225 A clamping device consisting of a workholding head and a base provided with swiveling
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Multiposition Vise 5120123694604 123694604 5120-14-389-3099 5120-25-124-6701 5120-12-369-4604 https/
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Multiposition Vise 5120123694604 123694604 369-4604 5120251114573 251114573 329-9269 5120-25-130
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