
Digging Bar

5120218760434 218760434 78-8020 5120-7549

A tool used for earth digging. A digging bar has a formed bit at one end. This bit is smoothly finished, and has a uniformly tapered cutting edge ground to a double-beveled edge. The opposite end of the bar will terminate in a round uniform tapered point. View more Digging Bar

5120-21-876-0434 BAR,DIGGING 5120218760434 218760434

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78-8020 5120-7549 A tool used for earth digging.
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Digging Bar 5120218760434 218760434,78-8020 5120-14-372-6573 5120-01-590-5886 5120-21-876-0434
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Digging Bar 5120992003614 992003614 910-4335 5120-21-855-3876 5120-14-372-6573 5120-01-590-5886 5120-21-876-0434
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5120-98-207-2565 Digging Bar 5120982072565982072565 855-3876 5120-14-372-6573 5120-01-590-5886 5120-21-876-0434
112-6513 5120-21-108-8600 5120-99-910-4335 5120-21-855-3876 5120-14-372-6573 5120-01-590-5886 5120-21-876-0434

5120-21-876-0434 Demil Restrictions 5120-21-876-0434


5120-21-876-0434 is a Digging Bar

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