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Slip Joint Pliers

5120218680333 218680333 L210

A tool having gripping jaws and a joint adjustable to two or more positions to provide a wide or narrow opening for the jaws. See also PLIERS and PLIERS (as modified). View more Slip Joint Pliers

5120-21-868-0333 PLIERS,SLIP JOINT 5120218680333 218680333

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NSN Created on 14 Jul 1972
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5120-21-868-0333 PLIERS,SLIP JOINT 5120218680333 218680333 1/1
NSN 5120-21-868-0333 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Fluke L210 Every Day 5120-21-868-0333 RQST Updated Every Day 5120-21-868-0333 RQST NE Related Documents
vendors Request Restrictions 5120-22-125-9144 DEMIL https// /fsg-51/fsc-5120/ca 5120-21-868-0333
Slip Joint Pliers 5120218680333 218680333 Pliers 5120221251581 221251581 449-4442 5120-21-868-0333 /fsg-51/fsc-5120/dk 5120-22-125-9144 Slip Joint Pliers 5120221259144221259144 449-4442 5120-21-868-0333
-150-3305 /fsg-51/fsc 991521716 173-1165 5120-66-150-3305 5120-14-449-4442 5120-21-868-0333
5120-66-150-3305 5120-14-449-4442 5120/uk 5120 https// /fsg-51/fsc-5120/ca 5120-21-868-0333
Slip Joint Pliers 5120218680333 218680333 991521716 173-1165 5120-66-150-3305 5120-14-449-4442
vendors Request Restrictions 5120-22-125-1581 DEMIL https// /fsg-51/fsc-5120/ca 5120-21-868-0333
Slip Joint Pliers 5120218680333 218680333 -20-006-0576 Slip Joint Pliers 5120200060576 200060576 /fsg-51/fsc-5120/dk 5120-22-125-1581 Slip Joint Pliers 5120221251581221251581 449-4442 5120-21-868-0333 /fsg-51/fsc-5120/dk 5120-22-125-0294 Slip Joint Pliers 5120221250294221250294 449-4442 5120-21-868-0333
5120-21-903-2775 5120-21-872 https// /fsg-51/fsc-5120/ca 5120-21-868-0333 Slip
Joint Pliers 5120218680333 218680333 Pliers 5120221259144 221259144 449-4442 5120-21-868-0333

5120-21-868-0333 Demil Restrictions 5120-21-868-0333


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