
Drill Drift

5120216393161 216393161

A wedge shaped flat tool angled on one side to a horizontal side forming a blunt end. It is used to loosen a drill or drill socket from a receiving member by tapping it with a hammer or by spring release. View more Drill Drift

5120-21-639-3161 DRIFT,DRILL 5120216393161 216393161

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January 2024
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5120-21-639-3161 DRIFT,DRILL 5120216393161 216393161 1/1
NSN 5120-21-639-3161 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Request a Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Related Documents 5120-21-639-3161
216393161 221126473 237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21-639-3161 5120-12-381-5408 Drill
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-51/fsc-5120/dk 5120-22-113-7021 Drill Drift 5120221137021 221137021 5120216393161
216393161 221126473 237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21-639-3161 5120-12-381-5408 Drill
Drift 5120123815408 123815408,1926500 221126473 237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21-639-3161
Drill Drift 5120216393161 216393161 221126473 237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21
5120-12-381-5408 Drill Drift 5120221137021 221137021 237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21-639-3161
3620 Drill Drift 5120211043620 211043620 221126473 237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21-639-3161
4489 5120-21-104-3620 51/fsc-5120/dk 5120 992035163 237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21-639-3161
Drill Drift 5120216393161 216393161 992035163 237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21
5120221126473 Drill Drift 5120992035163 992035163 237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21-639-3161
Drill Drift 5120216393161 216393161 5120-21-639-3161 5120-12-381-5408 Drill Drift 5120221126473
221126473 237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21-639-3161 451-3168 5120-14-355-6184 5120
-14-220-5151 5120-14-237-4735 5120-21-637-4489 5120-21-104-3620 5120-21-639-3161 https//www.nsnlookup.com

5120-21-639-3161 Demil Restrictions 5120-21-639-3161


5120-21-639-3161 is a Drill Drift

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