
Hand Cable Stripper

5110251392895 251392895 9801.20E

A hand held, hand operated item specifically designed to strip insulation and outer coverings, such as lead or plastic sheathing from electric conductors. To prevent damage to the underlying insulation, it shall have an adjustable blade for proper depth of cut or a nonadjustable, hook type blade with a blunt nose provided in handle. See also STRIPPER, WIRE HAND. View more Hand Cable Stripper

5110-25-139-2895 STRIPPER,CABLE,HAND 5110251392895 251392895

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NSN Created on 14 Jan 1991
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251392895 015974954 5120226108843 226108843 332-7405 5110-14-549-2334 5110-12-329-4403 5110-13-120-8856
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251392895 015974954 5120226108843 226108843 332-7405 5110-14-549-2334 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-
251392895 015974954 5120226108843 226108843 332-7405 5110-14-549-2334 5110-12-329-4403 5110-13-120-8856

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