
Bolt Cutter

5110226140762 226140762 570598 210002 5

A hand-held, hand-operated item designed to cut steel rod and the like. Excludes CUTTER, CABLE, HAND OPERATED; CUTTER, RIVET; and CUTTER, STEEL STRAPPING. For items having a shear cut and designed and rated to cut flat mild steel bar and/or soft wire rope, see CUTTER, WIRE ROPE, HAND OPERATED. View more Bolt Cutter

5110-22-614-0762 CUTTER,BOLT 5110226140762 226140762

Managed by Denmark
NSN Created on 19 Sep 2006
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5110-22-614-0762 CUTTER,BOLT 5110226140762 226140762 1/1
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5110-22-614-0762 is a Bolt Cutter

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Denmark (ZS)

5110-22-614-0762 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5110-22-614-0762

Part Number
570598 210002 5
R4829 - Siltec A/S (Active)
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