
Knockout Punch And Die

5110123058293 123058293 74331102

A hand tool designed to punch a hole in sheet metal and the like, by forcing a punch through the material and into a supporting die by screw action. See also CUTTER, KNOCKOUT. View more Knockout Punch And Die

5110-12-305-8293 PUNCH AND DIE,KNOCKOUT 5110123058293 123058293

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NSN Created on 19 Dec 1985
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January 2023
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Knockout Punch And Die 5110123058293 74331102 A hand tool designed to punch a hole in sheet metal and

5110-12-305-8293 Demil Restrictions 5110-12-305-8293


5110-12-305-8293 is a Knockout Punch And Die

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5110-12-305-8293 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5110-12-305-8293