
Composite Curing Blanket

4920144825179 144825179 GMIHB6181-4

An item usually flexible designed to repair composite structures by curing (hot bonding). It has one or more electrical zones which allow it to apply uniform heat exactly where the area is being repaired. It may also have a sensor to control temperature in hazardous areas. It connects to a CONTROLLER,COMPOSITE REPAIR SET,AIRCRAFT. View more Composite Curing Blanket

4920-14-482-5179 BLANKET,COMPOSITE CURING 4920144825179 144825179

Managed by France
NSN Created on 11 Jul 1996
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January 2023
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4920-14-482-5179 BLANKET,COMPOSITE CURING 4920144825179 144825179 1/1
NSN 4920-14-482-5179 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Composite Curing Blanket 4920144825179 GMIHB6181-4 An item usually flexible designed to repair composite
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4920-14-482-5179 is a Composite Curing Blanket

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France (ZF)

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