
Pitot And Static Systems Tester

4920218204311 218204311 380-100 MILT8076B

A device designed to check the pitot and static systems of aircraft, guided missiles, rockets or the like for leaks. It may also be used to calibrate air speed indicators, altimeters, rate of climb indicators and machmeters. View more Pitot And Static Systems Tester

4920-21-820-4311 TESTER,PITOT AND STATIC SYSTEMS 4920218204311 218204311

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380-100 MILT8076B A device designed to check the pitot and static systems of aircraft, guided missiles
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4920-21-820-4311 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-49/fsc-4920/ca 4920-21-820-4311

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