
Automotive Engine Accessory Maintenance Fixture

4910144747497 144747497 45057251

A device for temporarily supporting and holding carburetors, fuel pumps, distributors, and similar items in the correct position during assembly, disassembly, repair and/or testing. Excludes STAND (as modified) and VISE (as modified). See also HOLDER, MAINTENANCE FIXTURE, MULTIPOSITION. View more Automotive Engine Accessory Maintenance Fixture

4910-14-474-7497 MAINTENANCE FIXTURE,AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE ACCESSORY 4910144747497 144747497

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4910-14-474-7497 MAINTENANCE FIXTURE,AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE ACCESSORY 4910144747497 144747497 1/1
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45057251 A device for temporarily supporting and holding carburetors, fuel pumps, distributors, and
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