
Angle Valve

4820997890360 997890360 DX2 56141171001 TS7860 C/0

A valve with one inlet and one outlet connection with outlet flow at an angle to inlet flow. The flow is controlled by the action of a stem which lifts disks perpendicularly off the center axis of its seat. It may be inline or cartridge (manifold) design. Excludes VALVE (1), Y; VALVE, STOP-CHECK; and COCK, SHUTOFF, SCREW STEM. View more Angle Valve

4820-99-789-0360 VALVE,ANGLE 4820997890360 997890360

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NSN Created on 25 Apr 1991
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4820-99-789-0360 VALVE,ANGLE 4820997890360 997890360 1/1
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DX2 56141171001 TS7860 C/0 A valve with one inlet and one outlet connection with outlet flow at an angle
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