
Compressed Gas Regulator

4820270565727 270565727 FRG SSV 25

A specially designed regulator with either a standard Compressed Gas Association (CGA) gas inlet/outlet connection or pipe connections. It provides for the controlled withdrawal of compressed gas from a compressed gas cylinder either by direct attachment to the cylinder or by insertion into a piping distribution system that is pressured by a cylinder. View more Compressed Gas Regulator

4820-27-056-5727 REGULATOR,COMPRESSED GAS 4820270565727 270565727

Managed by Turkey
NSN Created on 11 Apr 2012
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4820-27-056-5727 REGULATOR,COMPRESSED GAS 4820270565727 270565727 1/1
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Compressed Gas Regulator 4820270565727 FRG SSV 25 A specially designed regulator with either a standard
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4820-27-056-5727 is a Compressed Gas Regulator

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Turkey (ZW)

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