
Gate Valve

4820142891638 142891638 9066-22B

A valve having a flat or tapered disk (gate) which moves transversely to the axis of flow by rotating or sliding movements of the stem to open or close the orifice. It may also contain an oval or rectangular shaped slide which may be manually, motor, or pressure operated through the means of an arm or arm assembly. The body flange may be designed to accommodate tube type connectors. It may or may not contain thermal relief features. Includes valve (gate) specifically designed for the control of fluid systems in aircraft or missiles. View more Gate Valve

4820-14-289-1638 VALVE,GATE 4820142891638 142891638

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NSN Created on 1 Jan 1972
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Gate Valve 4820142891638 142891638,9066-22B 9066-22B A valve having a flat or tapered disk (gate) which

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France (ZF)

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