
Valve Disk And Seat Set

4820123160264 123160264 496900/1

A unit of matched items consisting of a circular or cylindrical item, ground for provision to be lapped with the mating seating surface to function as a unit to form a drip tight seal. May include plate, insert, guide, rings, and the like. See also DISK, VALVE and SEAT, VALVE. View more Valve Disk And Seat Set

4820-12-316-0264 DISK AND SEAT SET,VALVE 4820123160264 123160264

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Valve Disk And Seat Set 4820123160264 496900/1 A unit of matched items consisting of a circular or cylindrical
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Valve Disk And Seat Set 4820123160264 4820-14-513-3916 4820-00-406-6925 4820-12-316-0264 https/
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Valve Disk And Seat Set 4820123160264 4820-14-513-3916 4820-00-406-6925 4820-12-316-0264 https/
668-7775 4820-01-484-7685 4820-12-367-0557 2910-21-864-9319 4820-14-513-3916 4820-00-406-6925 4820-12-316-0264
1281Valve Disk And Seat Set4820145141281 145141281 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-48/fsc-4820/de 4820-12-316-0264
Valve Disk And Seat Set 4820123160264 4820-14-513-3916 4820-00-406-6925 4820-12-316-0264 https/
668-7775 4820-01-484-7685 4820-12-367-0557 2910-21-864-9319 4820-14-513-3916 4820-00-406-6925 4820-12-316-0264

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