
Valve Seat

4820121483869 121483869 561648 3342-0032-56 16 48 81-12-32-585U1 82.16-32-61.U1

A replaceable item designed to provide a stationary seating surface for a mating, moveable item such as a valve disk or the like. The body may have a flange of various shapes. For diesel and gasoline reciprocating engines, see INSERT, ENGINE VALVE SEAT. View more Valve Seat

4820-12-148-3869 SEAT,VALVE 4820121483869 121483869

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NSN Created on 30 May 1969
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561648 3342-0032-56 16 48 81-12-32-585U1 82.16-32-61.U1 A replaceable item designed to provide a stationary
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