
Fluid Valve Stem

4820661430795 661430795 FE1005-040CAS

An item usually metallic, threaded or unthreaded, used for securing to or positioning into a mating part. It is designed to be used in a globe, relief, regulator valve and the like as a means of controlling the flow of liquids or gases in a given system. One end may have an integral disk or be designed to accommodate a metallic or nonmetallic disk. The other end is designed for a handwheel, lever, spring, diaphragm and the like for nonpowered operation or to accommodate a gear, solenoid, air motor and the like for powered operation. The handwheel and/or disk may be furnished with the item. Excludes STEM, FAUCET; and STEM, NEEDLE VALVE. View more Fluid Valve Stem

4820-66-143-0795 STEM,FLUID VALVE 4820661430795 661430795

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FE1005-040CAS An item usually metallic, threaded or unthreaded, used for securing to or positioning
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4820-66-143-0795 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-48/fsc-4820/au 4820-66-143-0795

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